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Viruses 13 (9) , 1781
Publisher’s version:
  • SAPO4 Users group (The Pirbright Institute)
  • ED&I working group (The Pirbright Institute)
  • “Novel diagnostic and statistical tool combinations accurately predict time since bluetongue virus infection in ruminants for assessing transmission risk”. Oral Presentation. 15th AM EPIZONE, Novisad, Serbia (2023).

  • “T lymphocytes contribute to protective immunity and pathogenesis in bluetongue virus-infected sheep but not viral replication or transmission”. Oral Presentation. 15th AM EPIZONE; Novisad, Serbia (2023).

  • “Novel antibody signatures in bluetongue virus-infected ruminants improve predictions of infectious timelines”. Poster presentation. 14th AM EPIZONE; Barcelona, Spain (2022).

  • “Virus damage or host response? Elucidating mechanisms of pathogenesis in bluetongue virus-infected sheep”. Poster presentation. Microbiology Society Annual Conference; Online (2021).

  • “Virus damage or host response?”. Oral presentation (internal seminar). The Pirbright Institute, UK (2020).

  • “Investigating the relationship dynamics between serological responses and bluetongue virus replication in cattle and sheep”. Poster presentation. 13th AM EPIZONE; Berlin, Germany (2019).

  • “Elucidating the role of T lymphocytes in pathogenesis during bluetongue virus infection in sheep”. Oral presentation. 12th AM EPIZONE; Vienna, Austria (2018).

Journal of General Virology - Most Promising Science poster prize (Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2021).


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