The research and surveillance activities carried out by Pirbright require a range of highly-specialised laboratory and experimental facilities and resources which enable the study of viral diseases in animals. One of eight institutes strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), we enhance both the security and competitiveness of the UK in food production and animal and human health, relevant to BBSRC’s strategic research priority in agriculture and food security. Each element of this complex, unique and wide-ranging combination of facilities, resources and expertise interacts seamlessly with the key areas of science they support and permits the delivery of a range of impacts. We possess unique expertise in the study of key viral pathogens. We are at the forefront of developing new vaccines for economically important livestock viruses. We have wide-ranging interests in immunology, with fruitful collaboration between groups working on different hosts. Our interests in influenza and other established and potential zoonoses also feed into the One Health Agenda.
Our facilities and resources provide a ‘National Capability’ and are unique within the UK with a complement of scientific expertise and physical resources that are not replicated elsewhere within higher education or commercial animal health sectors. Our capability offers external organisations worldwide access to our unique scientific skills and state of the art facilities.