
The Pirbright Institute publication directory contains details of selected publications written by our researchers.

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Gleimer M, Wahl A R, Hickman H D, Abi-Rached L, Norman P J, Guethlein L A, Hammond J A, Draghi M, Adams E J, Juo S, Jalili R, Gharizadeh B, Ronaghi M, Garcia K C, Hildebrand W H, Parham P (2011)

Although divergent in residues of the peptide binding site, conserved chimpanzee Patr-AL and polymorphic human HLA-A*02 have overlapping peptide-binding repertoires

Journal of Immunology 186 (3), 1575-1588


Patr-AL is an expressed, non-polymorphic MHC class I gene carried by ?50% of chimpanzee MHC haplotypes. Comparing Patr-AL+ and Patr-AL? haplotypes showed Patr-AL defines a unique 125-kb genomic block flanked by blocks containing classical Patr-A and pseudogene Patr-H. Orthologous to Patr-AL are polymorphic orangutan Popy-A and the 5? part of human pseudogene HLA-Y, carried by ?10% of HLA haplotypes. Thus, the AL gene alternatively evolved in these closely related species to become classical, nonclassical, and nonfunctional. Although differing by 30 aa substitutions in the peptide-binding ?1 and ?2 domains, Patr-AL and HLA-A*0201 bind overlapping repertoires of peptides; the overlap being comparable with that between the A*0201 and A*0207 subtypes differing by one substitution. Patr-AL thus has the A02 supertypic peptide-binding specificity. Patr-AL and HLA-A*0201 have similar three-dimensional structures, binding peptides in similar conformation. Although comparable in size and shape, the B and F specificity pockets of Patr-AL and HLA-A*0201 differ in both their constituent residues and contacts with peptide anchors. Uniquely shared by Patr-AL, HLA-A*0201, and other members of the A02 supertype are the absence of serine at position 9 in the B pocket and the presence of tyrosine at position 116 in the F pocket. Distinguishing Patr-AL from HLA-A*02 is an unusually electropositive upper face on the ?2 helix. Stimulating PBMCs from Patr-AL? chimpanzees with B cells expressing Patr-AL produced potent alloreactive CD8 T cells with specificity for Patr-AL and no cross-reactivity toward other MHC class I molecules, including HLA-A*02. In contrast, PBMCs from Patr-AL+ chimpanzees are tolerant of Patr-AL.
Gloster J, Burgin L, Jones A, Sanson R (2011)

Atmospheric dispersion models and their use in the assessment of disease transmission

Revue Scientifique et Technique 30 (2), 457-465


Atmospheric dispersion models can be used to assess the likely airborne spread of both plant and animal diseases. These models, often initially developed for other purposes, can be adapted and used to study past outbreaks of disease as well as operationally to provide advice to those responsible for containing or eradicating disease in the event of a specific emergency. The models can be run over short periods of time where emissions and infection periods can be accurately determined or in situations requiring a statistical approach perhaps covering many weeks or even months. They can also be embedded within other simulation models, i.e. models which seek to represent a wider variety of disease transmission mechanisms. Whilst atmospheric dispersion models have been used successfully in a number of instances, they have the potential for wider application in the future. To achieve maximum success in these ventures, close collaboration between the modellers and scientists from the appropriate range of disciplines is required.


Background: Thermal imagers have been used in a number of disciplines to record animal surface temperatures and as a result detect temperature distributions and abnormalities requiring a particular course of action. Some work, with animals infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus, has suggested that the technique might be used to identify animals in the early stages of disease. In this study, images of 19 healthy cattle have been taken over an extended period to determine hoof and especially coronary band temperatures (a common site for the development of FMD lesions) and eye temperatures (as a surrogate for core body temperature) and to examine how these vary with time and ambient conditions. Results: The results showed that under UK conditions an animal's hoof temperature varied from 10 C to 36 C and was primarily influenced by the ambient temperature and the animal's activity immediately prior to measurement. Eye temperatures were not affected by ambient temperature and are a useful indicator of core body temperature. Conclusions: Given the variation in temperature of the hooves of normal animals under various environmental conditions the use of a single threshold hoof temperature will be at best a modest predictive indicator of early FMD, even if ambient temperature is factored into the evaluation.


The African swine fever virus (ASFV)-encoded CD2v transmembrane protein is required for the hemadsorption of red blood cells around infected cells and is also required for the inhibition of bystander lymphocyte proliferation in response to mitogens. We studied the expression of CD2v by expressing the gene with a V5 tag downstream from the signal peptide near the N terminus and a hemagglutinin (HA) tag at the C terminus. In ASFV-infected cells, a full-length glycosylated form of the CD2v protein, which migrated mainly as a 89-kDa product, was detected, as well as an N-terminal glycosylated fragment of 63 kDa and a C-terminal nonglycosylated fragment of 26 kDa. All of these forms of the protein were localized in the membrane fraction of cells. The 26-kDa C-terminal fragment was also produced in infected cells treated with brefeldin A. These data indicate that the CD2v protein is cleaved within the luminal domain and that this occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi compartments. Confocal microscopy showed that most of the expressed CD2v protein was localized within cells rather than at the cell surface. Comparison of the localization of full-length CD2v with that of a deletion mutant lacking all of the cytoplasmic tail apart from the 12 membrane-proximal amino acids indicated that signals within the cytoplasmic tail are responsible for the predominant localization of the full-length and C-terminal 26-kDa fragment within membranes around the virus factories, which contain markers for the Golgi compartment. Processing of the CD2v protein was not observed in uninfected cells, indicating that it is induced by ASFV infection.


EimeriaPhosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) may play an important role in host-cell invasion by the Eimeria species, protozoan parasites which can cause severe intestinal disease in livestock. Here, we report the structural organization of the PIP5K gene in Eimeria maxima (Weybridge strain). Two E. maxima BAC clones carrying the E. maxima PIP5K (EmPIP5K) coding sequences were selected for shotgun sequencing, yielding a 9.1-kb genomic segment. The EmPIP5K coding region was initially identified using in silico gene-prediction approaches and subsequently confirmed by mapping rapid amplification of cDNA ends and RT-PCR-generated cDNA sequence to its genomic segment. The putative EmPIP5K gene was located at position 710-8036 nt on the complimentary strand and comprised of 23 exons. Alignment of the 1147 amino acid sequence with previously annotated PIP5K proteins from other Apicomplexa species detected three conserved motifs encompassing the kinase core domain, which has been shown by previous protein deletion studies to be necessary for PIP5K protein function. Phylogenetic analysis provided further evidence that the putative EmPIP5K protein is orthologous to that of other Apicomplexa. Subsequent comparative gene structure characterization revealed events of intron loss/gain throughout the evolution of the apicomplexan PIP5K gene. Further scrutiny of the genomic structure revealed a possible trend towards "intron gain" between two of the motif regions. Our findings offer preliminary insights into the structural variations that have occurred during the evolution of the PIP5K locus and may aid in understanding the functional role of this gene in the cellular biology of apicomplexan parasites.


Foot-and-mouth disease virus causes a serious disease of livestock species, threatening free global trade and food security. The disease spreads rapidly between animals, and to ensure a window of opportunity for such spread, the virus has evolved multiple mechanisms to subvert the early immune response. The cycle of infection in the individual animal is very short, infection is initiated, disseminated throughout the body and infectious virus produced in


Rodent scrapie models have been exploited to define the molecular basis for the progression of neuropathological changes in TSE diseases. We aim to assess whether CNS gene expression changes consistently observed in mouse models are of generic relevance, for example to natural TSE diseases, or are TSE strain, host species or brain region specific. Six genes, representing distinct physiological pathways and showing consistent changes in expression levels with disease progression in murine scrapie models were analysed for expression (RT-qPCR) in defined regions of the sheep brain at various times after SSBP/1 scrapie infection. Gene expression was examined in relation to the development of neuropathological changes including PrPSc deposition and vacuolation. Peripheral infection of sheep with SSBP/1 showed consistent progression of neuropathology as assessed by the temporal course of PrPSc deposition and neuropil vacuolation. The first region affected was the medulla (obex), then the thalamus and finally the cerebellum and frontal cortex. In contrast to mouse scrapie, there were few significant changes in transcript expression for any of the six genes and no consistent changes in patterns of expression in relation to brain region, time after infection or neuropathology in sheep SSBP/1. Gene expression changes in mouse TSE models, even changes consistent with the neuropathology, cannot necessarily be extrapolated to species in which disease naturally occurs. This may represent differences in pathological processes of different scrapie strains or across species; and highlights the difficulties in identifying generic molecular pathways associated to the pathogenesis of TSE disease.
Hagglund S, Hu K, Vargmar K, Pore L, Olofson A S, Blodorn K, Anderson J, Ahooghalandari P, Pringle J, Taylor G, Valarcher J F (2011)

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus ISCOMs-immunity, protection and safety in young conventional calves

Vaccine 29 (47), 8719-8730


Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is a major cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in cattle and causes yearly outbreaks with high morbidity in Europe. Commercial vaccines against this virus needs improvement of efficacy, especially in calves with BRSV-specific maternally derived antibodies (MDA). We previously reported that an experimental BRSV-ISCOM vaccine, but not a commercial vaccine, induced strong clinical and virological protection in calves with MDA, immunized at 7–15 weeks of age. The aim of the present study was to characterize the immune responses, as well as to investigate the efficacy and safety in younger animals, representing the target population for vaccination. Four groups of five 3–8 week old calves with variable levels of BRSV-specific MDA were immunized s.c. twice at a 3 weeks interval with (i) BRSV immunostimulating complexes (BRSV-ISCOMs), (ii) BRSV-protein, (iii) adjuvant, or (iv) PBS. All calves were challenged with virulent BRSV by aerosol 2 weeks later and euthanized on day 6 after infection. The cellular and humoral responses were monitored as well as the clinical signs, the viral excretion and the pathology following challenge. Despite presence of MDA at the time of the immunization, only a minimum of clinical signs were observed in the BRSV-ISCOM group after challenge. In contrast, in all control groups, clinical signs of disease were observed in most of the animals (respiratory rates up to 76 min?1 and rectal temperatures up to 41 °C). The clinical protection was associated to a highly significant reduction of virus replication in the upper and lower respiratory tract of calves, rapid systemic and local antibody responses and T helper cell responses dominated by IFN? production. Animals that did not shed virus detectable by PCR or cell culture following challenge possessed particularly high levels of pulmonary IgA. The protective immunological responses to BRSV proteins and the ability to overcome the inhibiting effect of MDA were dependent on ISCOM borne antigen presentation.


The objectives of this study were to provide a summary quantification of the efficacy of FMD emergency vaccination based on a systematic review and a meta-analysis of available literature, and to further discuss the suitability of this review and meta-analysis to summarize and further interpret the results. Peer-reviewed, symposium, and unpublished studies were considered in the analysis. Clinical protection and virological protection against FMD were used as parameters to assess the efficacy of emergency vaccination. The clinical protection was estimated based on the appearance of clinical signs including FMD lesions and fever, while the virological protection parameter was estimated based on the outcome of laboratory tests that were used to diagnose FMD infection. A meta-analysis relative risk was calculated per protection parameter. Results of the meta-analyses were examined using publication bias tests. In total, 31 studies were included in the analyses, of which 26 were peer-reviewed studies, 1 was a symposium study and 4 were unpublished studies. Cattle, swine and sheep were well protected against clinical disease and FMD infection following the use of emergency vaccine. Fortunately, no significant bias that would alter the conclusions was encountered in the analysis. Meta-analysis can be a useful tool to summarize literature results from a systematic review of the efficacy of FMD emergency vaccination.


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