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Transmission Biology

Hope A, Gubbins S, Sanders C, Barber J, Stubbins F, Baylis M, Carpenter S (2018)

Parasites and Vectors 11 (1) , 473
Duran-Ferrer M, Aguero M, Zientara S, Smith S, Potgieter C, Rueda P, Sastre P, Monaco F, Villalba R, Tena-Tomas C, Batten C, Frost L, Flannery J, Gubbins S, Lubisi B A, Sanchez-Vizcaino J M, Emery M, Sturgill T, Ostlund E, Castillo-Olivares J (2018)

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 66 (1) , 83-90
Clark M H A, Warimwe G M, Di Nardo A, Lyons N A, Gubbins S (2018)

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12 (7) , e0006627
Ciaravino G, García-Saenz A, Cabras S, Allepuz A, Casal J, García-Bocanegra I, De Koeijer A, Gubbins S, Sáez J L, Cano-Terriza D, Napp S (2018)

Epidemics 23 , 110-120


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