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Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) has become an essential tool in rapid and reliable detection of animal diseases such as epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD). Here we provide a protocol for the detection of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) genetic material in blood and tissue samples, using a real-time RT-PCR that targets a conserved region in segment 9 of the EHDV genome. This protocol can be used to detect up to approximately 90 samples in a single run and can be completed in less than 4 h.


Molecular methods are routinely used for the differential diagnosis and genetic characterization of viral disease of livestock. Real-time, quantitative PCR (qPCR) allows RNA/DNA sequence detection and quantification and is considered the gold standard diagnostic method for most viruses. However, Sanger sequencing offers additional information and opportunity to differentiate closely related virus strains and/or serotypes, by providing the full sequence of a genetic region of interest. Therefore, to determine epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotype or identify additional genetic markers, end-point RT-PCR can be performed on EHDV-positive clinical samples, followed by Sanger sequencing and data analysis. Here we describe a detailed method for the molecular characterization of EHDV serotype using Sanger sequencing.


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are continuously being developed and are becoming a more cost-effective tool for the characterization of viral genomes. Whole genome sequencing of segmented viruses, such as epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV), provides insights into the molecular epidemiology as well as such viral evolutionary mechanisms as genetic reassortment. Here, we present a detailed method for obtaining full genome sequence data for EHDV using Illumina technology. The protocol includes details from RNA extraction and purification, the synthesis of cDNA, sequencing library preparation, to genome assembly.


Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) is transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Studies aiming to predict the likely spread of EHDV require an understanding of the viral infection and replication kinetics within these insects, including the proportion of the insect population that are able to support virus transmission. Here, we describe methods for the infection of Culicoides with EHDV in the laboratory via oral infection using an artificial membrane system or a cotton pledget and intrathoracic (IT) inoculation. Each method can be used to explore determinants of vector competence of Culicoides species and populations for EHDV.


One third of all emerging infectious diseases are vector-borne, with no licensed antiviral therapies available against any vector-borne viruses. Zika virus and Usutu virus are two emerging flaviviruses transmitted primarily by mosquitoes. These viruses modulate different host pathways, including the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. Here, we report the effect on ZIKV and USUV replication of two AKT inhibitors, Miransertib (ARQ-092, allosteric inhibitor) and Capivasertib (AZD5363, competitive inhibitor) in different mammalian and mosquito cell lines. Miransertib showed a stronger inhibitory effect against ZIKV and USUV than Capivasertib in mammalian cells, while Capivasertib showed a stronger effect in mosquito cells. These findings indicate that AKT plays a conserved role in flavivirus infection, in both the vertebrate host and invertebrate vector. Nevertheless, the specific function of AKT may vary depending on the host species. These findings indicate that AKT may be playing a conserved role in flavivirus infection in both, the vertebrate host and the invertebrate vector. However, the specific function of AKT may vary depending on the host species. A better understanding of virus-host interactions is therefore required to develop new treatments to prevent human disease and new approaches to control transmission by insect vectors.

Herzog CM, Aklilu F, Sibhatu D, Shegu D, Belaineh R, Mohammed AA, Kidane M, Schulz C, Willett BJ, Cleaveland S, Bailey D, Peters AR, Cattadori IM, Hudson PJ, Asgedom H, Buza J, Forza MS, Chibssa TR, Gebre S, Juleff N, Bjørnstad ON, Baron MD, Kapur V (2024)

Empirical and model-based evidence for a negligible role of cattle in peste des petits ruminants virus transmission and eradication

Communications Biology 7 (1)


Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a multi-host pathogen with sheep and goats as main hosts. To investigate the role of cattle in the epidemiology of PPR, we simulated conditions similar to East African zero-grazing husbandry practices in a series of trials with local Zebu cattle (Bos taurus indicus) co-housed with goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Furthermore, we developed a mathematical model to assess the impact of PPRV-transmission from cattle to goats. Of the 32 cattle intranasally infected with the locally endemic lineage IV strain PPRV/Ethiopia/Habru/2014 none transmitted PPRV to 32 co-housed goats. However, these cattle or cattle co-housed with PPRV-infected goats seroconverted. The results confirm previous studies that cattle currently play a negligible role in PPRV-transmission and small ruminant vaccination is sufficient for eradication. However, the possible emergence of PPRV strains more virulent for cattle may impact eradication. Therefore, continued monitoring of PPRV circulation and evolution is recommended.


Secondary and tertiary RNA structures play key roles in genome replication of single-stranded positive sense RNA viruses. Complex, functional structures are particularly abundant in the untranslated regions of picornaviruses, where they are involved in initiation of translation, priming of new strand synthesis and genome circularization. The 5' UTR of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is predicted to include a c. 360 nucleotide-long stem-loop, termed the short (S) fragment. This structure is highly conserved and essential for viral replication, but the precise function(s) are unclear. Here, we used selective 2' hydroxyl acetylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) to experimentally determine aspects of the structure, alongside comparative genomic analyses to confirm structure conservation from a wide range of field isolates. To examine its role in virus replication in cell culture, we introduced a series of deletions to the distal and proximal regions of the stem-loop. These truncations affected genome replication in a size-dependent and, in some cases, host cell-dependent manner. Furthermore, during the passage of viruses incorporating the largest tolerated deletion from the proximal region of the S fragment stem-loop, an additional mutation was selected in the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, 3Dpol. These data suggest that the S fragment and 3Dpol interact in the formation of the FMDV replication complex.


The past three decades have seen an increasing number of emerging arthropod-borne viruses in temperate regions This process is ongoing, driven by human activities such as inter-continental travel, combined with the parallel emergence of invasive arthropods and an underlying change in climate that can increase the risk of virus transmission and persistence. In addition, natural events such as bird migration can introduce viruses to new regions. Despite the apparent regularity of virus emergence, arthropod-borne viruses circulating in temperate regions face the challenge of the late autumn and winter months where the arthropod vector is inactive. Viruses therefore need mechanisms to overwinter or they will fail to establish in temperate zones. Prolonged survival of arthropod-borne viruses within the environment, outside of both vertebrate host and arthropod vector, is not thought to occur and therefore is unlikely to contribute to overwintering in temperate zones. One potential mechanism is continued infection of a vertebrate host. However, infection is generally acute, with the host either dying or producing an effective immune response that rapidly clears the virus. There are few exceptions to this, although prolonged infection associated with orbiviruses such as bluetongue virus occurs in certain mammals, and viraemic vertebrate hosts therefore can, in certain circumstances, provide a route for long-term viral persistence in the absence of active vectors. Alternatively, a virus can persist in the arthropod vector as a mechanism for overwintering. However, this is entirely dependent on the ecology of the vector itself and can be influenced by changes in the climate during the winter months. This review considers the mechanisms for virus overwintering in several key arthropod vectors in temperate areas. We also consider how this will be influenced in a warming climate.


Avian leukosis viruses (ALVs) include a group of avian retroviruses primarily associated with neoplastic diseases in poultry, commonly referred to as avian leukosis. Belonging to different subgroups based on their envelope properties, ALV subgroups A, B, and J (ALV-A, ALV-B, and ALV-J) are the most widespread in poultry populations. Early identification and removal of virus-shedding birds from infected flocks are essential for the ALVs' eradication. Therefore, the development of rapid, accurate, simple-to-use, and cost effective on-site diagnostic methods for the detection of ALV subgroups is very important. Cas13a, an RNA-guided RNA endonuclease that cleaves target single-stranded RNA, also exhibits non-specific endonuclease activity on any bystander RNA in close proximity. The distinct trans-cleavage activity of Cas13 has been exploited in the molecular diagnosis of multiple pathogens including several viruses. Here, we describe the development and application of a highly sensitive Cas13a-based molecular test for the specific detection of proviral DNA of ALV-A, B, and J subgroups. Prokaryotically expressed LwaCas13a, purified through ion exchange and size-exclusion chromatography, was combined with recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) and T7 transcription to establish the SHERLOCK (specific high-sensitivity enzymatic reporter unlocking) molecular detection system for the detection of proviral DNA of ALV-A/B/J subgroups. This novel method that needs less sample input with a short turnaround time is based on isothermal detection at 37 °C with a color-based lateral flow readout. The detection limit of the assay for ALV-A/B/J subgroups was 50 copies with no cross reactivity with ALV-C/D/E subgroups and other avian oncogenic viruses such as reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) and Marek's disease virus (MDV). The development and evaluation of a highly sensitive and specific visual method of detection of ALV-A/B/J nucleic acids using CRISPR-Cas13a described here will help in ALV detection in eradication programs.

Bilotti K, Keep S, Sikkema AP, Pryor JM, Kirk J, Foldes K, Doyle N, Wu G, Freimanis G, Dowgier G, Adeyemi O, Tabatabaei SK, Lohman GJS, Bickerton E (2024)

One-pot Golden Gate Assembly of an avian infectious bronchitis virus reverse genetics system

PLOS One 19 (7)


Avian infectious bronchitis is an acute respiratory disease of poultry of particular concern for global food security. Investigation of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the causative agent of avian infectious bronchitis, via reverse genetics enables deeper understanding of virus biology and a rapid response to emerging variants. Classic methods of reverse genetics for IBV can be time consuming, rely on recombination for the introduction of mutations, and, depending on the system, can be subject to genome instability and unreliable success rates. In this study, we have applied data-optimized Golden Gate Assembly design to create a rapidly executable, flexible, and faithful reverse genetics system for IBV. The IBV genome was divided into 12 fragments at high-fidelity fusion site breakpoints. All fragments were synthetically produced and propagated in E. coli plasmids, amenable to standard molecular biology techniques for DNA manipulation. The assembly can be carried out in a single reaction, with the products used directly in subsequent viral rescue steps. We demonstrate the use of this system for generation of point mutants and gene replacements. This Golden Gate Assembly-based reverse genetics system will enable rapid response to emerging variants of IBV, particularly important to vaccine development for controlling spread within poultry populations.


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