Prof Bryan Charleston MRCVS FRS
Prof Bryan Charleston obtained a BVetMed from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, UK in 1982. After a period of time in Large Animal Practice, he studied for a Masters degree in Molecular Biology at University College London in 1988, then a PhD degree, as a Wellcome Trust Scholar, from the University of London, UK, in 1991. He then carried out postdoctoral research, as a Wellcome Trust Post-doctoral fellow, at the Royal Veterinary College and the Babraham Institute, Cambridge for three years.
He joined The Pirbright Institute in 1994 and focused on studies of the immune response to viral infections in cattle. In addition, he provided advice and expertise on the design of infectious disease challenge models for a wide range of pathogens in important agricultural species. His research is focused on understanding the immune response to foot-and–mouth disease virus (FMDV) in cattle to develop novel vaccines.